Depth Approach

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

Depth psychology focuses on exploring the unconscious mind and the deeper layers of the psyche. Rooted in the works of Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and other influential theorists, this approach aims to uncover the underlying motives, conflicts, and symbols that influence an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Depth psychology emphasizes the importance of dreams, myths, and archetypes, as well as the integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the self.

Key Principles

The Unconscious Mind
Recognizes the unconscious as a powerful force that shapes behavior and experiences.
Explores unconscious desires, fears, and conflicts to gain insight into conscious behavior.

Archetypes and Symbols
Uses archetypal patterns and symbols to understand the universal themes present in the psyche.
Identifies how these archetypes manifest in an individual’s life and experiences.

Personal and Collective Unconscious
Distinguishes between the personal unconscious (unique to each individual) and the collective unconscious (shared across humanity).
Examines how both layers influence thoughts, behaviors, and relationships.

Dream Analysis
Analyzes dreams to uncover unconscious material and gain insight into the inner world.
Views dreams as a pathway to understanding the psyche and resolving inner conflicts.

Integration of Opposites
Focuses on integrating conflicting parts of the self to achieve wholeness.
Encourages individuals to embrace both positive and negative aspects of their personality.

Promotes the process of individuation, where individuals become more self-aware and true to their unique selves.
Emphasizes personal growth and the development of a coherent and authentic identity.

Techniques and Practices in Depth Psychology

Dream Analysis
Encourages clients to recall and record their dreams.
Analyzes dream content, symbols, and themes to uncover unconscious material.

Active Imagination
Uses guided imagery and visualization to explore the unconscious.
Encourages dialogue with inner figures and archetypes to gain insight and facilitate healing.

Symbolic and Archetypal Exploration
Identifies and interprets symbols and archetypes in dreams, fantasies, and daily life.
Helps clients understand the deeper meanings and messages conveyed by these symbols.

Journaling and Creative Expression
Encourages clients to express their thoughts and feelings through writing, art, and other creative outlets.
Uses creative expression as a way to access and process unconscious material.

Transference and Countertransference
Examines the dynamics of transference (clients projecting feelings onto the therapist) and countertransference (therapists projecting feelings onto the client).
Uses these dynamics to gain insight into unconscious patterns and relational issues.

Mythological and Cultural Analysis
Analyzes myths, stories, and cultural narratives to understand their influence on the individual psyche.
Identifies personal myths and narratives that shape an individual’s identity and worldview.

Shadow Work
Explores the shadow, the part of the psyche that contains repressed or denied aspects of the self.
Encourages clients to confront and integrate their shadow to achieve greater self-awareness and wholeness.

Goals of Depth Psychology

Increased Self-Awareness
Helping clients gain insight into their unconscious motivations, desires, and conflicts.
Promoting a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s behavior.

Emotional Healing and Integration
Facilitating the integration of unconscious material into conscious awareness.
Promoting emotional healing and resolving inner conflicts.

Personal Growth and Individuation
Supporting clients in their journey towards individuation and self-realization.
Encouraging the development of a coherent and authentic identity.

Improved Relationships
Addressing unconscious relational patterns and dynamics.
Promoting healthier and more authentic relationships.

Enhanced Creativity and Expression
Encouraging creative expression as a means of accessing and processing unconscious material.
Fostering a sense of creativity and spontaneity in daily life.