
“Healing comes because we can identify the poison.” ~ Brewster

At Cultivating Wildflowers, we believe in a holistic approach to healing that weaves together depth psychology, contemplative psychotherapy, and anthropology. Our mission is to address the complexities of racial and intergenerational trauma, depression, anxiety, and grief through compassionate and transformative therapy, reconnecting individuals with their ancestral wisdom and healing of the soul.

Our Approach

We draw from a diverse range of modalities including anthropology, contemplative psychotherapy, narrative therapy, tarot therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Our sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each person, rooted in the belief that reconnecting with ancestral wisdom and contemplative practices can lead to profound healing and growth.

Healing Racial and Intergenerational Trauma

Despite progress since the Civil Rights Movement, the deep wounds of racism remain. Healing these wounds requires understanding their historical and ancestral roots, alongside compassion, forgiveness, and patience. These injuries affect everyone, not just those labeled as victims or oppressed. To achieve collective health, we must identify, understand, and heal these underlying wounds.

Understanding the deep-seated impact of racial and intergenerational trauma is central to our practice. We provide a safe and nurturing space to explore these complex issues, helping people uncover and heal from the injuries of the past. By integrating archetypal work and reconnecting with ancestral wisdom, we facilitate transformative growth and help individuals deepen their connection with soul.

Depression, Anxiety, and Grief

Addressing the challenges of depression, anxiety, and grief requires a compassionate, multifaceted approach. Through contemplative psychotherapy and narrative therapy, we guide individuals in exploring their inner worlds, uncovering the root causes of their suffering, and developing strategies for healing and transformation.

Our Services

  • Individual Therapy: Personalized sessions focusing on your unique journey and healing needs.
  • Tarot Group: A journey into the archetypal energies of the tarot, focusing on their real-world presence and how to navigate these influences in daily life.
  • Long Dance: An immersive journey that taps into ancestral wisdom and community, fostering deep healing and connection.

If you feel called to begin this journey, connect with us to explore how we can support your path to healing and growth.

Contact Us

We currently offer virtual sessions only.