To imagine that, as the member of any group, one does not represent that group is an illusion. It is a way to escape truth and retreat into oneself. We are all representatives whether or not we want the responsibility; but shirking our responsibility benefits no one.
As a colored woman, I am a colored woman and represent them. As a woman, I represent women. As a person of mixed ethnicity I represent people of mixed ethnicity; the list goes on and on. By recognizing and appreciating our differences we can begin to move towards healing our world. This means understanding our strengths and weaknesses, and honoring them.
It would be far more interesting to have a conversation about the things a colored woman does, the way she might see the world, and how that might differ from a white woman; or, to hear the differences between the emotions evoked for a man when he sees a small child, and those that arise for a woman, than to pretend no difference exists between these pairs, that each are equal, or that such differences are solely based on individuality. It is far more intriguing to have honest conversations about such things than to hide behind illusions of equality masked by political correctness.